The Single-Family Housing Development Program matches individuals and families with opportunities to purchase affordable new homes and preserve their current ownership throughout the County by buying or building and selling homes to low-to-moderate-income families through the investment of local, state, and federal resources that extend and maximize home affordability.
Single-Family New Construction Program ($60 million)
The Single-Family New Construction (SFNCP) Program adds affordable, durable new homes in mixed-income communities throughout Harris County utilizing Hurricane Harvey CDBG-DR funds. Homes are sold at below-market prices to eligible buyers earning 80% or less of the Area Median Income (AMI). This is achieved through the purchase and resale of newly built homes ("Built Inventory") and the construction of new homes on two County-owned sites ("Acreage Development").
American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) State & Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) Single-Family Acquisition Program ($15.3 million)
The ARPA SLFRF Single-Family Acquisition Program utilizes a two-pronged approach to administer the ARPA Single-Family Acquisition/Development and Resale Program. Both approaches utilize the Harris County Community Land Trust to create affordable housing for low-income households. In the acquisition and resale program, HCD acquires primarily newly constructed single-family homes located in Harris County and resales those homes to eligible low-income households. In the Homebuyer Driven approach, HCD assists low-income homebuyers in acquiring a newly constructed home by providing a maximum of $150,000 in financial assistance toward the purchase of a home.