Harris County is dedicated to revitalizing communities through targeted improvements in housing, infrastructure, and other public services. Harris County Housing & Community Development (HCD), in partnership with HUD, has designated key unincorporated areas as Target Areas based on factors, such as poverty rates and concentrations of low-to-moderate-income residents.
A cornerstone of this effort is affordable housing development. Concerted Revitalization Areas (CRAs) support the allocation of housing tax credits from the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA), attracting investments that integrate affordable housing into broader community initiatives.
Target Areas and CRAs guide community planning by engaging residents to create plans that assess current conditions, identify challenges, and set long-term goals. These plans outline strategies for improving housing, economic development, and public services over a five-year period. HCD has recognized five community plans to date, demonstrating progress in its revitalization efforts.
Updates to Target Areas and CRAs are underway and will be shared as they become available.