PY2024 Annual Action Plan

The Draft Program Year (PY) 2024 Annual Action Plan (AAP) is Harris County's blueprint for facilitating change within low-to-moderate income communities and ultimately improving the quality of life in Harris County. Harris County has been allocated $21,171,518 in CDBG, HOME and ESG funds for use towards community development activities during PY2024, which begins October 1, 2024, and ends September 30, 2025. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) determines this allocation amount based on Harris County's Service Area population, poverty, housing, overcrowding, and age of housing.

I. Annual Action Plan Highlights

II. DRAFT - HUD Digital Annual Action Plan
III. Appendices 

a. Allocation Manager
b. Estimated Sources of Program Income
c. Project Maps

i.  Low Income Areas and Areas of Minority Concentration
ii. PY2024 CDBG Public Facilities and Infrastructure Project Activities
iii. PY2024 CDBG Public Service Project Activities

d. PY2024-2028 Consolidated Plan Measurable Objective Progress
e. Annual Action Plan Public Notices

i. Public Notice - English
ii. Noticia Pública
iii. Public Notice Amendment
iv. Noticia Publica Modificada

f. Project Profile Sheets
g.Harris County ESG Program Written Standards
h. SF-424s and Certifications

Link to make Comments on the Consolidated Plan, Fair Housing Assessment, & Annual Action Plan

PY2023 Annual Action Plan

The Draft Program Year (PY) 2023 Annual Action Plan (AAP) is Harris County's blueprint for facilitating change within low-to-moderate income communities and ultimately improving the quality of life in Harris County. Harris County has been allocated $21,465,932 in CDBG, HOME and ESG funds for use towards community development activities during PY2023, which begins October 1, 2023, and ends September 30, 2024. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) determines this allocation amount based on Harris County's Service Area population, poverty, housing, overcrowding, and age of housing.

I. Annual Action Plan Highlights

II. HUD Digital Annual Action Plan

III. Appendices

a. Allocation Manager

b. Estimated Sources of Program Income

c. Project Maps

i. Proposed Projects Maps - Low Income Areas and Areas of Minority Concentration

ii. PY2023 CDBG Public Facilities and Improvements Project Activities

iii. PY2023 CDBG Public Service Project Activities

d. PY2019-2023 Consolidated Plan Measurable Objective Progress

e. Project Profile Sheets

f. Harris County Fair Housing Narrative Statement

g. Harris County ESG Program Written Standards

h. SF-424s and Certifications

i. PY2023 Broadband Access and Resiliency Notice

j. Annual Action Plan Public Notices

i. Public Notice - English

ii. Noticia Pública – Español

iii. Thông báo công khai – Việt Nam

k. Public Hearings - Video

PY2022 Annual Action Plan

The Program Year (PY) 2022 Annual Action Plan (AAP) is Harris County’s blueprint for facilitating change within low-to-moderate income communities and ultimately improving the quality of life in Harris County. Harris County received $20,488,884 in CDBG, HOME and ESG funds for use towards community development activities during PY2022, which begins March 1, 2022 and ends September 30, 2023. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) determines this allocation amount based on Harris County’s Service Area population, poverty, housing overcrowding and age of housing.


c.Project Maps

e.Annual Action Plan Public Notices

PY2021 Annual Action Plan

The PY2021 Annual Action Plan (AAP) is the County's blueprint for facilitating change within low-to-moderate income communities and ultimately improving the quality of life in Harris County. Harris County was awarded a total of $20,285,924 for use towards community development activities during Program Year 2021 (PY2021), which begins March 1, 2021 and ends February 28, 2022. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) determines this allocation amount based on Harris County's Service Area population, poverty, housing overcrowding and age of housing.

III. Appendices

f.  Annual Action Plan Public Notices

h. Harris County Fair Housing Narrative Statement

Annual Action Plan Amendments

Annual Action Plan Amendments will be posted here.